As we go through life, we attract various experiences that are designed to assist our personal and spiritual growth. These are the ‘aha’ moments where we discover the silver linings in our experiences, the choices we made and their consequences. Some of these pearls of wisdom may come subtly, and others are what we call ‘tower’ moments where they hit us right between the eyes, so we have no doubt of their presence and the learnings that come with them! Without these tower moments there is no growth. We remain stuck and unchallenged. There can be no growth without discomfort to some degree. Know that this builds character and shapes your values and who you are as a person.

Signs of Spiritual Awakening

Signs of Spiritual Awakening

How do you know if you are experiencing spiritual awakening (spiritual ascension)? Are these physical, emotional, mental or spiritual shifts you are going through? Why? ...more

Spiritual Enlightenment

December 05, 20225 min read

Spiritual Awakening

Spiritual Awakening

Are YOU on a Spiritual Awakening journey? (also known as ascension) It can be the most challenging time of your life, but at the same also the most enlightening, and a period of huge personal growth..... ...more

Spiritual Enlightenment

November 30, 20225 min read

Old Souls

Old Souls

Are you an old soul or have you felt like you have met one? Old souls usually have a profound sense of wisdom, beyond their years from an early age. They value time alone and are usually outsiders and... ...more

Spiritual Enlightenment

November 02, 20226 min read

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• phone: 0409 456 689

• international: +61409 456 689

• skype: abundanthealingwisdom_1

• address: Woody Point, Qld Australia.


Just contact us via the chat bot

DISCLAIMER: The diagnosis and treatment of physical, emotional, and mental disorders requires trained medical professionals. The energy healing I provide with my Guides is to be used in conjunction with trained medical professionals of your own choosing. My energy healing should NOT be used as a substitute for seeking professional care for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical and / or psychiatric disorder. The potential risks associated with improper diagnosis or treatment can only be minimised by consultations with medical and mental health professionals. By ordering a remote healing or participating in any personal consultations or other services I provide, you hereby accept this disclaimer.

Copyright 2018 Abundant Healing Wisdom.

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As we go through life, we attract various experiences that are designed to assist our personal and spiritual growth. These are the ‘aha’ moments where we discover the silver linings in our experiences, the choices we made and their consequences. Some of these pearls of wisdom may come subtly, and others are what we call ‘tower’ moments where they hit us right between the eyes, so we have no doubt of their presence and the learnings that come with them! Without these tower moments there is no growth. We remain stuck and unchallenged. There can be no growth without discomfort to some degree. Know that this builds character and shapes your values and who you are as a person.

Signs of Spiritual Awakening

How do you know if you are experiencing spiritual awakening (spiritual ascension)? Are these physical, emotional, mental or spiritual shifts you are going through? Why? ...more

Spiritual Enlightenment

December 05, 20225 min read

Signs of Spiritual Awakening

Spiritual Awakening

Are YOU on a Spiritual Awakening journey? (also known as ascension) It can be the most challenging time of your life, but at the same also the most enlightening, and a period of huge personal growth..... ...more

Spiritual Enlightenment

November 30, 20225 min read

Spiritual Awakening

Old Souls

Are you an old soul or have you felt like you have met one? Old souls usually have a profound sense of wisdom, beyond their years from an early age. They value time alone and are usually outsiders and... ...more

Spiritual Enlightenment

November 02, 20226 min read

Old Souls
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Helena is a gifted Spiritual Healer, who uses her energy healing gifts of ‘seeing’, ‘feeling’ and ‘knowing’ as a channel to assist her clients to begin their own healing process on a physical, emotional, mental & sometimes on a spiritual level.

• phone: 0409 456 689

• international: +61409 456 689

• skype: abundanthealingwisdom_1

• address: Hamilton, Brisbane, Australia.


Just ask in our chat bot and someone will get back to you

DISCLAIMER: The diagnosis and treatment of physical, emotional, and mental disorders requires trained medical professionals. The energy healing I provide with my Guides is to be used in conjunction with trained medical professionals of your own choosing. My energy healing should NOT be used as a substitute for seeking professional care for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical and / or psychiatric disorder. The potential risks associated with improper diagnosis or treatment can only be minimised by consultations with medical and mental health professionals. By ordering a remote healing or participating in any personal consultations or other services I provide, you hereby accept this disclaimer.

Copyright 2018 Abundant Healing Wisdom. Website Powered by GEM Software