As we go through life, we attract various experiences that are designed to assist our personal and spiritual growth. These are the ‘aha’ moments where we discover the silver linings in our experiences, the choices we made and their consequences. Some of these pearls of wisdom may come subtly, and others are what we call ‘tower’ moments where they hit us right between the eyes, so we have no doubt of their presence and the learnings that come with them! Without these tower moments there is no growth. We remain stuck and unchallenged. There can be no growth without discomfort to some degree. Know that this builds character and shapes your values and who you are as a person.

Rose Quartz crystal Elixer

Crystal Elixers

January 07, 20233 min read

Drinking the Healing Energy of Rose Quartz Crystals

Crystals have a consciousness and high vibrational frequencies. Each crystal correlates to a particular emotion and therefore can affect our consciousness on an emotional, mental, physical and spiritual level. Water is the carrier. Your body is made up of approximately 75% water...infuse yourself with the energy of unconditional love by drinking Rose Quartz crystal water!

Rose Quartz Elixer

Image credit:

Rose Quartz crystals carry the vibration of unconditional love, and are connected to the heart chakra. Your heart chakra is a spinning vortex of light located in the centre of your chest, and connected to your heart, lungs, shoulders, and to all heart centred discernment. This chakra is the centre of love, balance and connection. It helps to shape our capacity for compassion, affection, trust and love. It is the centre chakra which connects the higher and lower chakras within our energy body. Drinking Rose Quartz crystal water assists with these connections and helps you to open up your heart.


A glass jug                                                                                                                                                    3 Rose Quartz crystals (Crystal points in a jug as above are great, or small tumbled ones in a jug) Ice cubes & clean filtered water

Fill the funnel with the above ingredients and place them inside the jug. Fill the jug with water and add the ice cubes if desired. Size and quantity of the crystals is irrelevant. It is the intention that is important.

You can use this water to create a face spritzer to spray your face with unconditional love! If you have a water purifier use it and set the PH to 7 for beautiful skin 💞

Take it a step further and use a pink glass jug or write the word LOVE in pink on the jug! Words carry a vibration as well! So do your thoughts! 💞

Have a look at Dr Emoto's study on words and water/your body 💞

NB: NOT ALL CRYSTALS ARE SAFE TO DRINK THE ENERGY OF DIRECTLY.                                   Some contain metals which are toxic. So stay with the Quartz variety if you are unsure. Rose Quartz is very safe. Please wash your crystal in water beforehand with the intention of removing all energies that are not for your highest of good. Leave in the water for a period of 24 hours and take the crystals out to recharge in the sun for an hour or two (indirect sunlight). Also remember that crystals are spiritual support tools, not a replacement for medical advice or treatment.

Rose Quartz ElixerCrystal Healing with Rose QuartzAbundant Healing Wisdom
blog author image

Helena Lancaster

Helena is a gifted Spiritual Healer, who uses her energy healing gifts of ‘seeing’, ‘feeling’ and ‘knowing’ as a channel to assist her clients to begin their own healing process on a physical, emotional, mental & sometimes on a spiritual level.

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• phone: 0409 456 689

• international: +61409 456 689

• skype: abundanthealingwisdom_1

• address: Woody Point, Qld Australia.


Just contact us via the chat bot

DISCLAIMER: The diagnosis and treatment of physical, emotional, and mental disorders requires trained medical professionals. The energy healing I provide with my Guides is to be used in conjunction with trained medical professionals of your own choosing. My energy healing should NOT be used as a substitute for seeking professional care for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical and / or psychiatric disorder. The potential risks associated with improper diagnosis or treatment can only be minimised by consultations with medical and mental health professionals. By ordering a remote healing or participating in any personal consultations or other services I provide, you hereby accept this disclaimer.

Copyright 2018 Abundant Healing Wisdom.

Website Powered by GEM Software



As we go through life, we attract various experiences that are designed to assist our personal and spiritual growth. These are the ‘aha’ moments where we discover the silver linings in our experiences, the choices we made and their consequences. Some of these pearls of wisdom may come subtly, and others are what we call ‘tower’ moments where they hit us right between the eyes, so we have no doubt of their presence and the learnings that come with them! Without these tower moments there is no growth. We remain stuck and unchallenged. There can be no growth without discomfort to some degree. Know that this builds character and shapes your values and who you are as a person.

Rose Quartz crystal Elixer

Crystal Elixers

January 07, 20233 min read

Drinking the Healing Energy of Rose Quartz Crystals

Crystals have a consciousness and high vibrational frequencies. Each crystal correlates to a particular emotion and therefore can affect our consciousness on an emotional, mental, physical and spiritual level. Water is the carrier. Your body is made up of approximately 75% water...infuse yourself with the energy of unconditional love by drinking Rose Quartz crystal water!

Rose Quartz Elixer

Image credit:

Rose Quartz crystals carry the vibration of unconditional love, and are connected to the heart chakra. Your heart chakra is a spinning vortex of light located in the centre of your chest, and connected to your heart, lungs, shoulders, and to all heart centred discernment. This chakra is the centre of love, balance and connection. It helps to shape our capacity for compassion, affection, trust and love. It is the centre chakra which connects the higher and lower chakras within our energy body. Drinking Rose Quartz crystal water assists with these connections and helps you to open up your heart.


A glass jug                                                                                                                                                    3 Rose Quartz crystals (Crystal points in a jug as above are great, or small tumbled ones in a jug) Ice cubes & clean filtered water

Fill the funnel with the above ingredients and place them inside the jug. Fill the jug with water and add the ice cubes if desired. Size and quantity of the crystals is irrelevant. It is the intention that is important.

You can use this water to create a face spritzer to spray your face with unconditional love! If you have a water purifier use it and set the PH to 7 for beautiful skin 💞

Take it a step further and use a pink glass jug or write the word LOVE in pink on the jug! Words carry a vibration as well! So do your thoughts! 💞

Have a look at Dr Emoto's study on words and water/your body 💞

NB: NOT ALL CRYSTALS ARE SAFE TO DRINK THE ENERGY OF DIRECTLY.                                   Some contain metals which are toxic. So stay with the Quartz variety if you are unsure. Rose Quartz is very safe. Please wash your crystal in water beforehand with the intention of removing all energies that are not for your highest of good. Leave in the water for a period of 24 hours and take the crystals out to recharge in the sun for an hour or two (indirect sunlight). Also remember that crystals are spiritual support tools, not a replacement for medical advice or treatment.

Rose Quartz ElixerCrystal Healing with Rose QuartzAbundant Healing Wisdom
blog author image

Helena Lancaster

Helena is a gifted Spiritual Healer, who uses her energy healing gifts of ‘seeing’, ‘feeling’ and ‘knowing’ as a channel to assist her clients to begin their own healing process on a physical, emotional, mental & sometimes on a spiritual level.

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Helena is a gifted Spiritual Healer, who uses her energy healing gifts of ‘seeing’, ‘feeling’ and ‘knowing’ as a channel to assist her clients to begin their own healing process on a physical, emotional, mental & sometimes on a spiritual level.

• phone: 0409 456 689

• international: +61409 456 689

• skype: abundanthealingwisdom_1

• address: Hamilton, Brisbane, Australia.


Just ask in our chat bot and someone will get back to you

DISCLAIMER: The diagnosis and treatment of physical, emotional, and mental disorders requires trained medical professionals. The energy healing I provide with my Guides is to be used in conjunction with trained medical professionals of your own choosing. My energy healing should NOT be used as a substitute for seeking professional care for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical and / or psychiatric disorder. The potential risks associated with improper diagnosis or treatment can only be minimised by consultations with medical and mental health professionals. By ordering a remote healing or participating in any personal consultations or other services I provide, you hereby accept this disclaimer.

Copyright 2018 Abundant Healing Wisdom. Website Powered by GEM Software